Letter to My Kids on Facing Challenges

Thoughts on living and thriving through a pandemic


Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

Dear Kids,

I hope you are doing great and experiencing profound peace and joy!!!

In the face of significant challenges, our character is tested and revealed. During this season, remember who you are, who you want to be, and continue in that direction with each choice you make. Guard your thoughts, and do not let the overwhelming negativity of others distract you from living deeply within yourselves and loving others well.

Desire for Control

In life, it is easy to confuse what we influence with what we don’t. There are some things within our power to change and others that are outside our control.

We do not know what the future will bring, including physical pain or comfort, abundance or lack of resources, long life or short. But this has ALWAYS been true, for we cannot control outcomes. A global pandemic reminds us of our desire for control and lack of it in many areas.

The Power of Choice

However, the great news is we have never been and never will be powerless. This moment, and every moment of every day, we have the power to choose our perspective, attitude, and response. No person or circumstance can take these things from us.

Let’s embrace the Serenity Prayer from the recovery movement: “God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

Each of us would prefer to be healthy and not sick, wealthy and not poor, in community and not isolated, but we must remember that these are not required to live a good life. With each blessing, let’s celebrate and be grateful, but also hold it loosely.

Power From Within

God has created you unique and beautiful, implanting in you the Spirit of life, strength, and love. You will find peace, joy, strength, courage, resilience, wisdom, hope, kindness, and goodness from within.

Remember to slow down, to turn inward, trusting your inner voice, and following the guidance of the Spirit in you. As you look inside, I challenge you to hear your spirit and body.

Give yourself lots of grace in this season. Also, give attention to life’s critical habits of exercise, nutrition, sleep, and meditation. If you are tired, rest. If you need clarity, then meditate. Again, listen to yourself, attend to your needs, and take action on what you hear.

Continue to cultivate your strengths and gifts, knowing God has placed inside you priceless treasures. These riches are not for you alone but are your gift to the world. Seek to be the best version of yourself in the service of the common good. As we each share with one another, there is freedom of Spirit, healing of wounds, restoration, and the expression of joy and life.

Where it is possible to live, there also it is possible to live well.” — Marcus Aurelius

Blessing to You

May you continue in all the things that give you energy and vitality. May you have great peace, clarity, and focus of mind. May you cultivate and bring forth your strengths, gifts, talents, and dreams. May you take action and give your best self in the service of others. May you enjoy the journey and be fully alive. May you be free from fear and be your unique self, for that is what the world needs right now.

I am grateful for you, and I love you deeply. I am so proud of each of you, and I cannot wait till I see you again in person and hug your neck!





@whatsafterchurch - Jason McBride
Change Your Mind Change Your Life

I was a pastor for 14 years. Now that I have left the church, I love connecting with others who are reimagining their faith for a better world!